In this NEJM perspective, Drs. Lisa Patel and Linda Rudolph emphasize the importance of farm policy that improves food systems and health while also mitigating climate change.
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Mental Health and Climate Change: Implications & Equitable Solutions
Dr. Katrina Peters and Dr. Carissa Cabán-Alemán discuss the impacts of climate change as it relates to mental health and community work in climate change and social inequities, including work in Puerto Rico.
Insights From the First-Ever White House Climate Resilience Summit
Consortium executive director, Dr. Lisa Patel, reflects on the key takeaways from this important event on building climate resilient communities.
Montana Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics
Visit: Montana Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics Climate Change Policy Statement
REPORT: Climate Change and Human Health in Montana
This report highlights the current and anticipated impacts of climate change on the health of all Montanans, and provides recommendations for individuals, healthcare professionals, clinics, public health officials, community leaders and elected officials at all levels of government for addressing, minimizing and preparing for these impacts.
Montana Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate
We are Montanans. We are health professionals — nurses, doctors, therapists, aides, veterinarians, hospital employees, researchers, and environmental health specialists. We want good health for all Montanans: individuals, families, and communities.
Twin Cities Medical Society
With 4500 physicians and medical students, the Twin Cities Medical Society is the largest component society of the Minnesota Medical Association.
Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate
Our vision is to see health care professionals united in a clear understanding of the nature of and the dangers posed to public health by the continued dependence of our societies on fossil fuels as an energy source. We hope to see health care professionals and health care organizations speaking out in a clear and sustained manner about these issues and recommending urgent changes in public policy that will allow us to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
CEHN Children’s Environmental Health Profile Minnesota
CEHN has developed state profiles for key children’s environmental health indicators. These profiles are a compilation of nation-wide information that allows state-by-state comparisons of uniformly defined data about environmental hazards, environmental exposures, and relevant children’s health outcomes.