Miami has broken heat records left and right this summer, but scientists say this is just the beginning.
Press Coverage
Climate change a threat to public health
The directors for the Montana Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate write about how climate change is affecting public health in Montana.
The Case of Juliana v. U.S. — Children and the Health Burdens of Climate Change
Drs Renee N. Salas, Wendy Jacobs, and Frederica Perera write about the case of Juliana v. U.S. — Children and the Health Burdens of Climate Change.
Video: “Another Tool in the Toolbox”
Dr Lori Byron speaks about climate, health and divestment in this PK (Pecha Kucha) talk.
Video: Climate change disproportionately affects low-income populations
Florida TV coverage interviewing FCCA Members as part of the Trouble in Paradise series.
Climate policy will help ‘keep my patients out of the hospital’
Dr. Laalitha Surapaneni is interviewed about how the effects of climate change are showing up in her day-to-day work as an internal medicine doctor.
Medical community must sound alarm on climate change’s negative effects on health
Dr Cheryl Holder writes about how we all bear responsibility for making our city, and our world, a healthful place to live and raise our families.
My Patients’ Health Depends on Addressing Climate Change
Medical student Autumn Vogel confronts the future, writing an Op-Ed on how climate change is going to put incredible stress on our already overburdened health system.
Climate change is a health emergency. Let’s act like it.
Dr. Linda Rudolph (Public Health Institute), and Dr. Will Barrett (American Lung Association) write about the California Call to Action on Climate, Health, and Equity.