As psychiatrists we know that with civic disruption, violence, intimidation and associated threats of authoritarian actions, our efforts to address the mounting crisis of climate change and associated disparities and injustices cannot proceed.
Community Statements
Wisconsin Medical Society: Climate Change Position Resolution
The Wisconsin Medical Society endorses the scientific consensus and findings of the 5th Assessment Report of the UN IPCC.
International Federation Gynecology and Obstetrics: Statement on the Climate Crisis and Health
Emergent evidence from a broad coalition of international researchers and the medical community has demonstrated that the current climate crisis presents an imminent health risk to pregnant women, the developing fetus, and reproductive health.
Statement: American Heart Association Joins the Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health
June 7, 2019 – The American Heart Association announced it has joined 54 other health organizations and medical societies in the Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health.
American Psychiatric Association: Action Proposal on Divestment
The American Psychiatric Association and the APA Foundation work in a timely and fiscally responsible manner to end all financial investments or relationships (divestment) with companies that generate the majority of their income from the exploration for, production of, transportation of, or sale of fossil fuels.
American Psychiatric Association: Position Statement on Mental Health and Climate Change
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) recognizes that climate change poses a threat to public health, including mental health. Those with mental health disorders are disproportionately impacted by the consequences of climate change.
American Association of Community Psychiatrists Position Statement: Mental Health and Climate Change
The American Association of Community Psychiatrists (AACP) recognizes that climate change poses significant threats to public health in general and to mental health in particular. Persons with mental illnesses and behavioral health challenges are disproportionately impacted by the consequences of climate change.
Statement: Infectious Diseases Society of America Joins Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health
February 5, 2019 – The Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health (Consortium) announced today that the Infectious Diseases Society of America has signed on to the Consortium of 23 major medical societies declaring climate change a threat to health.
American College of Preventive Medicine – Climate Change Policy Recommendations
The American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM) recognizes climate change as a threat to
human health. Therefore, ACPM advocates for public health engagement and action on climate
change including adoption and implementation of effective mitigation and adaptation measures…