Virginia Clinicians for Climate Action (VCCA) Since early summer, VCCA has carried out a wide range of initiatives aimed at educating health professionals and the public about the links between climate and health. This work is happening against the backdrop of...
State Updates
Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate (HPHC) is engaging in climate action in Minnesota. In August, HPHC submitted a written statement to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) calling for funds from the 2016 settlement with Volkswagen to be spent on...
FCCA named partner in Climate, Health & Equity Planning Grant The Florida Clinicians are working with grassroots organizations in Miami-Dade on a one-year planning grant to address climate, health, and equity. The Kresge Climate Change, Health, and Equity...
North Carolina
Medical Advocates for Healthy Air (MAHA) is standing with medical and public health professionals to call climate change what it really is: a health emergency. In June, MAHA joined with over 70 other medical and public health groups to endorse "The Call to Action on...