Final Actions of the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Medical Society of Virginia House of Delegates Final Actions of the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Medical Society of Virginia House of Delegates
VIDEO: Virginia is Reining in Carbon Pollution
Distributed Solar Continues to Make Headway in Virginia
Distributed Clean Energy Expansion Several community-based and utility solar programs are helping residential consumers with the opportunity to access renewable energy choices. These programs represent some of the growing initiatives in the state that give consumers...
NRDC Issue Brief: Climate Change and Health in Virginia
Have you noticed that Virginia summers have gotten hotter and stickier? Does it seem like allergy season is more intense? Is your home flooding more often than it used to? It’s not your imagination. Climate change is altering seasonal patterns, making our summers...
REPORT: An Assessment of the Health Burden of Ambient PM2.5 Concentrations in Virginia
Virginia-specific transportation emissions are estimated to cause negative health impacts valued at $750 million annually. Read more about the need to enact transportation reform in Virginia in this new report from The Energy Foundation and Virginia Clinicians for...
Clean Cars Virginia
With climate change already wracking Virginia’s coast and sustained assaults on commonsense climate safeguards at the federal level, Virginia can seize its own destiny and tackle the Commonwealth’s largest driver of climate change—pollution from tailpipes—with Clean...
Virginia Clinicians for Climate Action
Visit our website: Get social with us! Share your thoughts! Email: Video: How Climate Change is Harming the Health of Virginians Solving climate change is integral to protecting the health and well-being of...