Jun 26, 2020: Climate Justice Symposium

From Concept to Action: A Pathway to Climate
Friday, June 26, 2020  |  9:15 AM – 5:15 PM ET

The AAAS STPF Climate and Energy Affinity Group is excited to announce their fellow-organized Symposium “From Concept to Action: A Pathway to Climate Justice” to take place virtually on Friday, June 26, 2020.

Climate change poses many risks to society through its impacts on human health and livelihood, food and water availability, and on national security, infrastructure, and economic growth. The severe implications of climate change on ecosystem services will affect the distribution of natural resources like food and water across large geographical regions and within countries, resulting in a variety of inequalities across societies and industrial sectors. The symposium on climate justice focuses on both the necessary steps to transition to a climate-resilient society and the need to make these transitions inclusive for all inhabitants of our planet and across all economic sectors. The symposium will have six panels focused on: Food, Water, Health, Labor & Education, Financing, and Energy, with expert panelists from a variety of sectors.

For further information about the Symposium, please visit: https://sites.google.com/view/climate-justice-symposium