Wednesday-Thursday, January 24-25
At The California Endowment’s Downtown Oakland Conference Center
Keynote Talks and Presentations By:
- Bob Doppelt, author of Transformational Resilience,on assessing current levels of resilience and using climate traumas as transformational catalysts to find purpose and hope in midst of climate impacts.
- Carl Anthony, author of new book The Earth, The City, and the Narrative of Race and Dr. Paloma Pavel on creating breakthrough groups and communities for a resilient and social justice future.
- Rick Hanson, author of Hardwiring Happiness on growing inner resources for a challenging world.
- Elaine Miller-Karas, author of Building Resilience to Trauma on using the Community Resilience Model.
- Joanna Macy, author of Active Hope on uncovering our own resources for resilience.
- Brenda Ingram on building resilience with cultural humility in communities of color.
- Daniel Homsey on the San Francisco Neighborhood Empowerment Program.
- Brian Farragher, co-author of Creating Sanctuary on using the Sanctuary Model to build organizational resilience.
- Maryam Kia-Keating on building resilience using participatory human-centered approaches.
- Karlene Roberts on designing organizations to avoid errors that can have catastrophic consequences.
Workshops and Panels On:
- How climate impacts can cause debilitating psychological and psycho-social-spiritual traumas that threaten everyone’s safety, health, and well-being and our ability to minimize the climate crisis.
- How to turn fear, grief, and despair over climate change into a deep sense of purpose, hope, and action.
- Building resilience within children and families for climate impacts.
- Enhancing individual and collective resilience within frontline communities and communities of color.
- How climate activists, social equity and justice groups, and communities of faith and spirituality can help their staff, members, and stakeholders build individual and collective resilience.
To see the conference agenda, list of all-star speakers, and to register go to: