Take Action

Help us create a healthy, safe, and just world.

Join other health professionals in advocating for equitable, health-focused climate solutions.

Your voice can spark climate action.

Explore how you can get involved and be a powerful advocate for climate and health.

Current Action Alerts

Get Your Vote-ER Badge

We know that voting is a foundational social determinant of health. Vot-ER badges are an easy way for health care professionals to integrate civic engagement into their practice. Plus, find more voting and election resources from the Consortium here.

More Ways to Take Action

Connect with a Climate and Health affiliate in your state and meet other health professionals passionate about climate, health, and equity.

Tell your story and write an op-ed to inspire others to join the fight for a healthy, safe, and just world.

Encourage your medical society to join the Consortium and get more involved in the climate fight.

Share your passion for climate, health, and equity and give a presentation to your organization’s leadership, colleagues, and friends.