Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States: Technology, Policy, and Societal Dimensions | Pathways to an Equitable and Just Transition Workshop
Tuesday, July 26, 2022 | Virtual & In-Person | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM ET
The National Academies’ Committee on Accelerating Decarbonization in the United States: Technology Policy and Societal Dimensions will host a one-day workshop on equity and justice in the energy transition. The committee has been tasked to assess a wide spectrum of technological, policy, and societal dimensions of decarbonizing the U.S. economy. The purpose of this workshop is to inform the committee’s development of principles, best practices, and actionable recommendations to operationalize equity and justice in the energy transition with inclusive stakeholder engagement. The committee will hear topical presentations from stakeholders, after which all attendees will collaborate to describe the pathway the country needs to take during the transition. Session topics will include public health and safety, jobs and workforce, equitable access, and energy affordability.
The event will be livestreamed and open to a limited number of in-person participants in Washington, DC. If you are interested in attending in person, please add your name to the waitlist.