Short animated video increases knowledge and perceived comfort in clinical counseling on inequitable health impacts of air pollution among interprofessional health learners and clinicians

Air pollution is a major health risk contributing to global morbidity and mortality, yet clinicians do not routinely engage in counseling patients on this topic. Clinicians cite their lack of education as a common barrier. We developed a two-minute animated video on mitigating air pollution health risks and evaluated the efficacy of this video as an educational tool.

In March-June 2021, a convenience sample of Minnesota interprofessional health learners and clinicians viewed the video and completed an electronic survey that assessed pre-/post-video intervention changes in (a) didactic and clinically applied knowledge on health impacts of air pollution, (b) perceived comfort in identifying at-risk patients and counseling them on relevant preventive health behaviors, (c) intentions/barriers to counseling patients, (d) beliefs and attitudes related to the health harms of air pollution, and (e) perceptions of the overall acceptability of the intervention.


Doheny, B.M., Inglis, J.J., Boll, K.A. et al. Short animated video increases knowledge and perceived comfort in clinical counseling on inequitable health impacts of air pollution among interprofessional health learners and clinicians. BMC Med Educ 23, 858 (2023).