July 27 Webinar – Ensuring a Just Transition in All Aspects of Climate Action

Ensuring a Just Transition in All Aspects of Climate Action

Wednesday, July 27, 2022 | Virtual | 2:00 PM ET

The devastating effects of climate change represent a significant risk to the health and safety of all, but not all people are equally impacted. A disproportionate share of exposures to environmental pollution and climate change hazards impact communities of color. Law and policy solutions that address the impacts of climate change should apply a just transitions framework to equitably distribute the costs and benefits of climate action. Attend this webinar to learn about these topics, which will include a climate-focused lens as well as identify law and policy approaches to environmental justice and a just transitions framework.

• April Shaw, J.D., Senior Attorney, The Network for Public Health Law – Northern Region Office

• Adrian D. Herder, Media Director, Tó Nizhóní Ání “Sacred Water Speaks”
• Aysha Pamukcu, Policy Fund Director, San Francisco Foundation, and founder, Movement Praxis
• Carlos Claussell, Senior Program Officer, Institute for Sustainable Communities
• Christopher Ramírez, Executive Director and Co-Founder, Together for Brothers