Lucy Walker is the Policy Program Associate for the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health. Within her work for the Consortium, she has focused on writing health center toolkits on climate resilience, conducting extensive outreach to member societies, coordinating informational materials on upcoming elections, and organizing feedback from meetings on Capitol Hill. She often provides resources and support to medical societies looking to be more involved with the Consortium, and has helped organize a list of their policy statements as they relate to climate. She has also worked to help the Consortium maintain relationships with legislative offices, providing targeted resources to suit the needs of their constituents, and is the Consortium liaison to several coalition meetings, including CAC, ALA, and Evergreen Action. Prior to her work at MSCCH, she served as a research intern at GMU helping to research and write about smart city technology and sustainable infrastructure. MSCCH has been an ideal place for her to continue to think about her intersecting interests in the changing climate, public health, and environmental justice. She is a recent graduate from Williams College with an extensive background in research in writing.