Are you interested in learning how to communicate about the intersection of climate change and health most effectively? This 6-part training series will help you grow your strategic communications skills and public voice to change hearts and minds.
Be recognized as a Climate Communications Champion
If you watch at least five of the six sessions in this training series, you will be named a Climate Communications Champion. To recognize your achievement and identify you as a powerful voice for climate and health, you will receive a badge to display on your LinkedIn and Twitter profiles and you will be featured on our website as a Climate Communications Champion for easier media visibility. Please email us at if you complete these requirements.
Communications 101: How to Make the Case About Climate Change, Health & Equity
Learn how to most effectively deliver messages that rally your audiences to support climate action that benefits all of our lives. We require that you view this session, as it provides foundational background for the workshops that follow.
Best Practices for Working With the Media
During this session, you will gain foundational skills for communicating with reporters, journalists, and news outlets — all important conduits to engaging broader audiences about climate change and health.
Weighing in on Policy: How to Testify and Provide Public Comment
Harness your expertise and effective messaging to help shape policy and regulations in the U.S. In this workshop, you’ll have the chance to learn about the carbon pollution rule for power plants and actually write and submit your own comment by the end.
Writing With Voice: Op-eds and Letters to the Editor
Your health voice is a powerful one. Find out ways to apply your personal perspective to persuade others to act around a certain issue.
Rules of the Road for Engaging With Policymakers
Discover strategies for working with and speaking with policymakers to create change that benefits your patients and the climate.
Social Media: Getting Started and Being Strategic
We spend so much of our time online. Learn how to share your unique voice and perspective on social media to build an understanding of the connections between climate change, health, and equity.