The members of the National Academy of Medicine urges Congress to recognize that the climate crisis is a human health emergency.
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JNJ Video on Climate and Health Equity
Johnson & Johnson have partnered with The Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health and the National Medical Association to support the first fellowship for physicians of color in the US focused on climate change and health equity. View the video>
America’s Health Organizations Call on Congress to Invest in Health
America’s health leaders implore our elected leaders to meet this pivotal moment with the transformational investments required to protect and promote the health of all in response to the climate crisis.
Biden Administration Mobilizes to Protect Workers and Communities from Extreme Heat
Welcome news! The White House has announced a plan to enact a worker safety rule for heat and to invest in other heat resilience programs.
Pediatric Societies release declaration on responding to the impact of climate change on children
Pediatric Societies, representing more than 1 million pediatricians around the world, have released a declaration resolving to take the necessary actions to achieve an equitable and just transition to a sustainable planet for all children.
Health Community sends national leaders a prescription for a healthy climate
The health community endorses an urgent call for climate action ahead of COP26.
HHS is establishing the Office of Climate Change and Health Equity
The mission of this new Office is to protect vulnerable communities who disproportionately bear the brunt of pollution and climate-driven disasters, such as drought and wildfires.
ALA letter to Congress asks for investments in climate and health solutions
ALA letter to Congress, signed by over 50 Health Organizations, reiterates that investment in infrastructure is an opportunity to protect health from climate change.
Video: Carbon Pricing & Clean Electricity Standards En-ROADS Simulation
A video facilitated by Dr. Lisa DelBuono, CCL MI Liaisons Coordinator and physician advocate for Michigan Clinicians for Climate Action, which reviews En-ROADS – A Climate Change Solutions Simulator.